
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Engagement Party Menu

My sweet sister-in-law is getting married! Have I mentioned that already? Lydia and Tim will tie the knot in December. Jared and I (and all of the rest of the family and friends on both sides) are just a little bit excited and ready to get the party started.
Lyd and friends
Now that we're more than a year out from our own wedding and all of the details and vendors and budget, I no longer want to plug my ears and hum something mind-numbing when people talk about wedding planning. In fact, it's kind of fun to be helping out and looking at pretty dresses and flowers when you don't actually have to make decisions about them. 
And I'm, of course, all for celebrating the bride and her wonderful groom-to-be. What better way to start than with an engagement party? An excuse to try new recipes and eat and drink with family and friends (plus it forces us to actually clean the apartment and make things look nice). 
The brothers: Greg and Tim
So, Jared and I hosted a very festive bunch this past weekend. It seemed like everyone had a great time and enjoyed the tasty spread. The crowd dispersed close to midnight and we went to bed with full bellies and happy hearts.
Brie and aged gouda and humboldt fog. Oh my.
The Engagement Party Menu

Pomegranate Champagne Punch
The Barns Viognier, Virginia
The Barns Petit Verdot, Virginia
Freshly Brewed Sweet Tea with Lemon

Cheese and Olive Plates

Lemon Bars

More of these lovely recipes coming soon . . .


  1. It was seriously so much fun! Thanks for letting me come over a little early to help set up. I was in awe of your cooking skills!

  2. I'm so glad you were able to come early!! Thanks again. It was a great night.

    p.s. hope the race was great!

  3. Wow, I totally loved this engagement party menu. Not only the food but entire details look awesome to me. Love such small events as the couple can get plenty of time with each other. At one of the wedding venues Los Angeles we also would be marrying soon and it will be an indoor family reception party. Can’t wait for the day.

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